Nice harbour seen from the Colline du Chateau
Last Saturday the IWCP organised a day out to Nice. After a guided tour of the old city of Nice, we visited the Colline du Chateau. Wonderful views to Nice harbour and as garderners always looking for interesting flora, we came across an
Erythrina crista-galli tree (Cock's comb Coral Tree), originally from Argentina-Brazil. Quote: "A plant symbolic of Argentina and Uruguay, "el ceibo", grows along the river banks and in marshland. In the summer, it has bright red flowers with a fleshy petal which resembles a cock's comb. Its very lightweight wood is used to build rafts and its bark for tanning leather. Its black seeds are poisonous because they contain molecules which like curare, cause muscular paralysis." Unquote
Photos: Jacquelyne Hodkinson
Quoted part: Documentation from Domaine du Rayol
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