The pottery is run by a brother and sister team. The brother occupies himself with the actual creation of the pots, whilst the sister runs the business side of the company. She explained to us how the different pots were made.
They have three different ways of manufacturing:
The smaller items are made by hand, they have just 1 potter, who makes all the smaller items.
For the "Vase d'Anduze", they use a mould. After the clay has dried, small blemeshes are smoothed out and the embellishments are added. Each pot has a date and signature of the potter on the bottom. They are then glazed and fired.
The third method consists of a shape made out of wood, a rope is twirled around it and handfuls of clay are thrown on to the rope. When the rope shape is covered in clay and smoothed out, it is left to dry. After drying the rope is carefully removed. The reason why a rope method is used instead of a mould is that the moulds are rather expensive, don't last all that long and you can only make one type of pot with one particular mould. With the rope method, you can create different designs, and it is inexpensive.
You can always recognise a pot made by the rope method, because it has the imprint of the rope inside the pot.
The large Anduze vases are beautiful, they come in many different sizes, patterns, colours but are quite expensive. They are not 100% frost proof, the advise is to take them inside in the winter.
After the Poterie, we made our way to the Bambouseraie.
A few facts about the Bambouseraie:
1856 : Eugène Mazel, a famous botanist, created the exotic garden
1890 : on Eugène Mazel’s death, the garden was taken over by the Crédit Foncier.
1902 : the estate was acquired by Gaston Nègre, a passionate plant lover
1945 : Maurice Nègre, an agricultural engineer, inherited the estate
1953 : park opened to the public ; the film “The Wages of Death” was filmed there
1956 : a heavy frost resulted in the disappearance of large numbers of plantations. The bamboo plants and the trees were the only plants that resisted.
1960 : Janine Nègre continued the work of her deceased husband. In 1977 she handed down the estate to her daughter Muriel, who, with her husband, continued to develop it.
2000 : Year of the Dragon, Erik borja presented the Dragon Valley project.
2004 : Muriel Nègre took over the sole management of the estate and made the Bambouseraie a sharing- and meeting-place.
2005 : the Ministry of Culture granted the Bambouseraie classification as a Remarkable Garden.
2006 : 150th anniversary
2008 : the Bambouseraie was registered as a Historical Monument.
We followed a 1/2 hour tour, which was very interesting. The lady explained the history of the Bambouseraie. After the initial introduction she lead us through part of the Bambouseraie, showing and explaining different facts about bamboo's. There are three different types of bamboo's that can survive our winters:
Phyllostachys group: (Phyllostachys, Brachystachyum, Semiarundinaria, Sinobambusa, Chimonobambus and Shibataea) mostly tall bamboo's with a creeping rhizome. On the rhizome are buds, some for new roots, some for new shoots.
Sasa group: (Sasa, Sasaella, Pseudosasa, Pleioblastus, Indocalamus, xPhyllosasa, low to high bamboos with the same creeping rhizome as the Phyllostachys group.
Fargesia, Thamnocalamus, Drepanostachyum and Yushania, medium to high bamboos with sod/turf forming rhizomes.
As you enter the Bambouseraie, a lane stretches out in front of you with on either side Phyllostachys bamboo's, interspersed with Sequoia sempervirens trees. In its natural habitat the Sequoia (California, Oregon) reaches 110 meters in height, here just 48 meters. For such a tall tree it has a very small pine cone, the size of a 1 euro piece.
A turn off of the central lane brings you to a Laotien village, completely built out of different kinds of bamboo. Buildings made out of bamboo do not last forever, after about 10 years it needs to be rebuilt. It was interesting to see the different sizes used in the building, each one having a purpose in the construction.
Before the bamboo shoot surfaces, the width of the bamboo has already been decided. It will grow in height but not in width. The bamboo grows for 3 months in a year. A normal bamboo grows between 10-30cm, depending on how much water it receives. The fastest growing bamboo, Bambusa oldhamii, orginally from Taiwan, grows up to 1 metre a day.
As the bamboo emerges from the ground the bamboo shoot is covered by a sheath, which eventually drops off. The taller the bamboo becomes the larger the space between the nodes.
Bamboo roots go 6-65 cm deep and creep unlimited if not restricted. Consequently they are considered to be very strong and in countries where bamboo grows and where earthquakes occur, the inhabitants flee to a bamboo for protection.
Bamboo lawn:
Bamboo absorbs CO2, twice more than trees.
Besides Bamboo there are lots of interesting, mature trees in the Bambouseraie. Magnificent Gingko biloba's. The Gingko can live for 4000 years, it has existed on the earth for the last 250 million years, does not burn in a fire and can cope in heavy polluted areas. It survived Hiroshima.
Cornus contraversa variegata, much admired by Jeremy Hodkinson, with its horizontal branches:
Magnolia grandiflora is on this earth for the last 100 million years:
Musa bajoo (Banana tree) takes 3 years to flower, above ground parts can take up to -10 degrees Celcius, roots up to -15 degrees Celcius.
Phyllostachys heterocycla "Kikko":
Yushanya bolana is a clumping bamboo.
The wonderful Vallee de Dragon:
For the people who are planning to plant a bamboo, read the article below.
Controlling the Spread of Bamboo