Last Tuesday morning the Garden Group visited Pepiniere de l'Armalette in Sillans la Cascade. The nursery specialises in plants suitable for the climate in our area i.e. winter temperatures to minus 12 degrees C, with hot, dry summers.
The owner, Mr. Benoit Beauvallet guarantees that all his plants will survive the summer without watering, as long as they have been watered the first year. His assortment is quite unique. Most of the plants are hard to find elsewhere.

He mentioned that most Mediterranean plants do not flower in the summer. When you do see a plant flowering in the summer it most likely comes from California.

After our visit to the nursery, Jacquelyne Hodkinson invited us back to her house in Sillans la Cascade. I think we all thoroughly enjoyed the coffee, wine, cakes and sandwiches she and her husband had provided for us. We were very lucky that it was a sunny day and we could appreciate her lovely garden and beautiful views from her terrace.

I've made a list of the plants I can remember we came across. Please let me know what is missing and I'll add them to the list.
Artemisia lanata
Bupleurum fruticescens
Centaurea spinosissima, lovely rounded grey-green shrub:

Large selection of Cistus, to mention a few:
Cistus x purpureus
Cistus x skanbergii
Eragrostis trichodes - a grass, he suggested to mix with Zauschneria californica for effect.
Erodium manescaul 'Merstham Pink'
Large selection of Euphorbia to mention a few-
Euphorbia rigida:

Euphorbia amygdaloides
Euphorbia myrsinites
Euphorbia ceratocarpa
Glaucium flavum - a yellow poppy with leathery grey, indented leaves:

Glaucium rubrum
Iberis linifolia, a bi-annual, first year just the leaves, second year these lovely flowers:

Marrubium incanum
Onosma alborosea
Phlomis grandiflora
Rhus typhyna
Rosa bracteata
Rosa sempervirens prostrata, a single white flowering rose that makes a lovely rounded shrub, 2 to 3 meter in diametre:

Rosa xanthina
Large selection of Salvia's to mention a few:
Salvia greggii
Salvia x jamensis 'Cherry Queen'
Salvia x jamensis 'Irene'
Salvia x jamensis 'Red Velvet'
Salvia microphylla 'Hot Lips':

Salvia spathaceae
Large selection of Santolina's to mention a few:
Santolina chamaecyparissus subsp. squarrosa
Santolina pinnata
Satureja amdena
Sempervivum 'Flamingo'
Scabiosa cretica
Stachys cretica - forms a cushion with deep green leaves. (looks quite a lot like a Salvia)
Stachys byzantina
Tanacetum densum
Zauschneria californica:

Photo's: Gerda Nagtegaal
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